“Long day of work, wine and hot tub time tonight:-)”
*The Real Angela Sommers*
好友 Angela Sommers (*The Real Angela Sommers*) 的 Myspace 空間分享這個個人檔案傳聲筒
Angela Sommers
Long day of work, wine and hot tub time tonight:-)
透過 TwitterAngela Sommers
damn, i know a lot of Rich's and Rick's lol. last names are the key for me now lol.
透過 TwitterAngela Sommers
Computer woes today! Images r flying everywere! LoL.im loosing my mind...uuggh, brain hurts:-(
透過 TwitterAngela Sommers
I can't believe this is my bedtime book tonight LMAO http://twitrpix.com/fht0
透過 TwitterAngela Sommers
U r good at that! RT @chalumpalump: @RealAngSommers I like you because almost everything you say I can take to a dark naughty place..lol
透過 Twitter
- CBZ BEATZ TWITTER.COM/D… Thanks 4 the wonderful comment! Stay being a inspiration! Have a productive & positive week & weekend! DJCBZ9 個月前
- Pedro Estevez Happy birthday my goddess, God bless you. It's a real honor, it's a pleasure for me to be here telling you: BE HAPPY, YOU ARE THE ONE!!!9 個月前
Happy Birthday.......Have a Wonderful......Lovely......& Blessed day......with the best wishes 4 U ;)
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--- {~*~*~*~*~HAPPY~*~*~*~*~ *}
--- {~*~*~*~*BIRTHDAY*~*~*~*~*}
--- {*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*}
... 顯示更多 - Money Maker Happy BDAY babydoll!!!!!!! Hope you have a great day. Total goddess!!!!!!! Love ya9 個月前
- mike_ferre9 個月前
Angela, I have need to know your Twitter address why I had saw a duplicated address.
PD: Find me as @Playboy_Models or @ mike_ferre.
徽章 (共 18 枚徽章,已贏得 5 枚)
CHECK OUT MY NEW WEB SITE WWW.ANGELASOMMERS.COM! THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR BEING SO PATIENT! ITS FINALLY HERE! :) P.S. Please understand that I can no longer reply to regular messages here on Myspace due to volume,however I will still be excepting photo and blog comments:) And you can always email me on my web site www.angelasommers.com
- 2010/4/11 9:13Awesome Marilyn Quote I found on my friends Facebook profile.
- 2010/4/9 15:50Just want to say THAK YOU to all you guys:)
- 2010/3/31 16:43Don't be Confused by the similar Avatars...its a FAKER Guys!
- 2010/3/13 11:47Help Stop my Fakers!
- 2009/9/16 2:2216 Days in Jamaica with TEASEUM BIKINI !!!
- 婚姻狀態: 單身
- 來這裡是為了: 社交, 好友
- 家鄉: Queens
- 體型: 171 公分 / 苗條 / 纖瘦
- 族裔: 白人
- 星座: 巨蟹座
- 子女: 不想要小孩
- 抽煙/喝酒: 否 / 是
- 教育程度: 研究生
- 職業: model
Bayside High School
- Bayside,NY
- 畢業年份: 2001
- 在學狀態: 校友
- 學位: High School Diploma
- 主修: Art
1998 到 2001
Angela Sommers Long day of work, wine and hot tub time tonight:-)
Angela Sommers damn, i know a lot of Rich's and Rick's lol. last names are the key for me now lol.
Angela Sommers Computer woes today! Images r flying everywere! LoL.im loosing my mind...uuggh, brain hurts:-(
Angela Sommers I can't believe this is my bedtime book tonight LMAO http://twitrpix.com/fht0
Angela Sommers U r good at that! RT @chalumpalump: @RealAngSommers I like you because almost everything you say I can take to a dark naughty place..lol